Chairman of the Executive Board of
Evonik Industries AG
Our ambition is to become the best specialty chemicals company in the world with the aim for profitable growth. To achieve this, we are systematically implementing our strategy with the three pillars of a balanced and focused portfolio, being a leader in innovation and a trust-based, results-oriented corporate culture.
Our values Performance, Trust, Openness and Speed are crucial for our culture and thus for our success. We carry out our day-to-day business and cooperation transparently, reliably and fairly. This means that we must comply with all applicable laws, internal regulations and binding voluntary commitments. What we call, in another word, "compliance".
Evonik does not do business at any price!
Why is compliance so important to us? Compliance strengthens the confidence of business partners, shareholders and the public in Evonik. However, trust does not come by itself: We have to work on it again and again. Evonik's high reputation can be severely damaged by violations by individuals. That's why we must all committed to compliance.
My colleagues on the Executive Board and I expect you to familiarize yourself with the content of the Code of Conduct and act responsibly. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant department or your Compliance Officer.