External communication

External communication

Evonik is committed to open, timely, uniform and reliable communication with all stakeholders.

Employees who make public statements about Evonik influence the image of the Group–especially in relation to stakeholders such as the media, business partners, competitors and the capital markets. Employees may express their private opinion in public, however, they must never imply they are speaking on behalf of Evonik. This applies especially when using social media. Public statements on behalf of Evonik may only be made by persons who are specifically authorized to do so.

Evonik also regards sponsorship as a part of external communication. Evonik uses sponsorship for promotional and public relations purposes. Sponsorship by Evonik covers sports, culture, science and other areas of importance to society. Sponsorship is only permitted within the framework of internal regulations.

"We only make statements on 
 behalf of Evonik if we 
 are authorized to do so."